Saturday, September 7, 2019

Dave Reviews: A Comic with Good Art and... Good Art

Pretty Violent

As comic stories go, Pretty Violent has lovely cover art.

Pretty Violent tells the story of Gamma Rae, a would-be superhero who somehow keeps doing the wrong thing. The wrong thing, in this case, is murdering the actual heroes and letting the bad guys get away, at which point she's blamed mercilessly for her error by the populace even as the bad guy starts wreaking havoc.

The selling point, apparently, is that this comic gets very over the top with its blood and swearing in a comical way. And, as a selling point, that's fine. As the selling point? Not so much.

The comic starts with Gamma Rae erring terribly and helping a sneaky villain. This quickly appears to be an excuse to draw the colorful obliteration of lots of bodies. Then that happens again... and again... and it doesn't take long before the question arises: you know this is silly and purposefully out of control, but still, how many issues until they depopulate the whole city? Or will they keep going from place to place, with endless superheroes being destroyed by Gamma Rae's pure incompetence?

Then, at the end... maybe it's not incompetence after all! Oho!

But it's hard to care at that point. You have to really enjoy silly amounts of violent art and swearing for their own sake, because if you took those out, there would be basically nothing to lean on. I'm really trying to meet it the comic where it's trying to be, in a place where story doesn't matter and it's all about spectacle, but even then it wears out quickly.


Score: The most meh five out of ten.

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